





Birds compete for their influence. Higher head has more influence in their world.

But, be careful. Too conspicuous birds may be shot by a hunter.

BirdHead is a trick-taiking game for four players. Players play up to three cards in a trick and compete for their rank.

However, the objective of the game is to play a card as low as possible in the last trick. The player playing the highest card in the last trick must receive the card as minus points.

The game ends when someone receives 22 or more minus points. The player receiving the lowest minus points wins the game.


BirdHead uses cards rank of 2 to 11. 2 is the lowest and 11 is the highest. Each rank has 5 cards.

Game Play

The game is played for several rounds.

Each round consists of the following sequence:

  1. Deal
  2. Trick and Card Play
  3. Last Trick and Scoring


Shuffle cards and deal 10 cards to each player as a hand. If there are not enough cards to deal 10 cards to each player, deal as many cards as possible until the number of each player's hand is same.

At the first round, the player selected at random becomes the start player. At the second or later round, the left player of the loser of before round (if there is more than one loser, the last player in them) becomes the start player.

Trick and Card Play

After deal, several tricks are played until the rest of the hand becomes one.

In each trick, players play card(s) clockwise from the start player.

The start player may lead any single card or up to 3 cards of the same rank, provided that the player keep at least one card in the hand.

Each of the other players plays the same number of cards that were led. When playing, there are two choices:

  • Play equal or higher card(s) than the card(s) played in the trick.
  • Play the lowest card(s) in the hand.

Note that the player must play the lowest card(s) in the hand if the player has only lower cards than the card(s) played in the trick.

If the start player leads multiple cards, the rank of cards are compared respectively. Each of cards must be respectively equal or higher than each of cards played, if the player will play equal or higher cards than the cards played in the trick.

For example, the start player led double 7s. Then, the next player must play 2 cards equal or more than 7, or must play the 2 lowest cards in the hand. Suppose the next player played 8 and 10. Then, the third player must play a card equal or more than 8 and a card equal or more than 10, or must play the 2 lowest cards in the hand.

After all players played card(s), decide the winner of the trick. The player who played the highest card(s) in the trick (if there is more than one player, the last player in them) takes the trick, and becomes the next start player.

If the rest of the hand is more than one, play the next trick. Otherwise, play the last trick.

Last Trick and Scoring

If the rest of the hand becomes one, play the last trick.

All players open the last hand simultaneously. The player who played the highest card becomes the loser of the round, and receive the played card as minus points. The rank of the received card becomes minus points. If there is more than one player who played the highest card, all of them become the losers of the round.

If someone receives 22 or more minus points, the game ends. Otherwise, play the next round.

Game End

The game ends when someone receives 22 or more minus points. The player receiving the lowest minus points wins the game.

